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Loan Rates


Borrow with Education First and save big

New and Used Vehicle Loan Rates

Terms APR*
48 Months 5.50%
60 Months 5.75%
72 Months 6.25%
78 Months 6.50%
84 Months 6.75%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The APR shown reflects our best rate including discounts and may be different based on credit underwriting or services used. All rates are subject to change without notice.
Boats, ATVs, RVs, Motorcycles & Other Secured

Recreational Loan Rates

Terms APR*
48 Months 5.99%
60 Months 6.25%
72 Months 6.50%
84 Months 7.25%
96 Months 7.50%
96+ Months 8.00%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The APR shown reflects our best rate including discounts and may be different based on credit underwriting or services used. All rates are subject to change without notice.


Home Improvement Loan Rates

Terms Rate
60 Months 5.800%
120 Months 5.925%
180 Months 6.250%
240 Months 6.375%

Mortgage Loan Rates

Terms Rate APR*
30 Year Fixed Rate 6.750% 7.046%
20 Year Fixed Rate 6.500% 6.726%
15 Year Fixed Rate 6.250% 6.491%
Rates in effect as of July 31, 2023
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.

Home Equity Loan Rates

Terms Rate APR*
60 Months 5.425% 5.841%
120 Months 5.800% 6.022%
180 Months 6.000% 6.157%
240 Months 6.250% 6.376%
300 Months 6.500% 6.609%
360 Months 6.500% 6.597%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.
Construction Loan Rates
Terms Rate
12 Months 6.750%

Home Improvement Loan Rates

Terms Rate
60 Months 5.800%
120 Months 5.925%
180 Months 6.250%
240 Months 6.375%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.

Land/Unimproved Property Loan Rates

Terms Rate
60 Months 5.750%
120 Months 6.250%
180 Months 6.500%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.


Personal Credit Card Rates

Terms Fees APR* Notes
totalREWARDS VISA No annual fees 11.90%* Earn totalREWARDS on every purchase with your Education First VISA for choice of cash back, travel, merchandise or gift cards!
total REWARDS Business VISA No annual fees 11.90%* Earn totalREWARDS on every purchase with your Education First VISA for choice of cash back, travel, merchandise or gift cards!
See credit card disclosure for rate and offer information.
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.


Line of Credit Rates

Fees APR*
No annual fees 10.70%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR shown is the lowest available rate. Rates depend on individual creditworthiness and are subject to change without notice.

Personal Loans

Terms Fees APR*
Share Secured No annual fees 3.0% + Regular Savings Dividend Rate
Share Certificate Secured for 6 – 36 months No annual fees 2.0% + Share Certificate Dividend Rate
Share Certificate Secured for 37 – 60 months No annual fees 3.0% + Share Certificate Dividend Rate
Unsecured Personal No annual fees 11.50%

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The APR shown reflects our best rate including discounts and may be different based on credit underwriting or services used. All rates are subject to change without notice. The APR for Shared Secured Loans will be the dividend rate being paid on regular shares (Index) on the date of the advance plus 3%. The rates are subject to change on the first day of each calendar month to reflect any change in the Index. If there is an existing balance on the date of the rate change, the entire balance will be at the new APR. Any increase in the APR will take the form of more payments of the same amount until what you owe has been repaid. The present annual percentage rate will be disclosed on the voucher at the time of the advance.

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