At Education First, Volunteering is Always a Priority.
Sure, our products and services are valuable and help members with their finances, but there's nothing more valuable than a generous spirit - and Education First employees are proud to give back!
We Don't Just Say it, We Do it.
A lot of businesses talk about commitment to the community. We roll up our sleeves and do it. Want to know what motivates us? We're passionate about investing in the communities we serve. We enjoy regularly participating in events hosted by SETX non-profit organizations.
Through our Volunteer Investment Program (VIP), our employees have donated over 8,300 hours of volunteer time to projects and organizations in Southeast Texas.
Volunteer Investment Program (VIP)
We give high praise to those who choose to give back. Every year, our employees are encouraged to volunteer with local organizations within our communities. Education First partners with several organizations, such as The ARC of Greater Beaumont, Family Services, Food & Nutrition Services for Seniors, the Southeast Texas Food Bank, and others.
If you want to learn more about VIP or have ideas for additional ways to serve, please contact our Community Relations Coordinator at communityrelations@educationfirstfcu.org