
Touch Tone Teller is Now iTalk!
Maybe you had a busy day and didn't have time to visit one of our branches in Texas. Or maybe you had a lazy day and just forgot about your banking chores. Anyhow, now it's late at night - or early morning, or anytime on the weekend - and you really need to make a loan payment or transfer money. Just call our iTalk phone banking service at 800-765-3770 and we'll make it easy for you to do your banking by phone.
Contact UsLet's Get Started
When using iTalk for the first time, you'll need to verify your identity with the following information:
• Account Number
• Social Security Number (Please note, this is the only time you will be asked to enter your Social Security number)
• Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
• You will then be prompted to re-register your Personal Identification Number (PIN). (Please note that PINs cannot begin with a zero)
*Be sure to protect the security of your access code and to select a 4-15 digit number that only you know. This process will need to be done for each membership you wish to enroll in iTalk.
Dial 800-765-3770 and follow the menu prompts.
Global Commands:
* — to Go Back
# — for Repeat
0 — for Operator
1* — for Help Menu
3* — for Main Menu
8* — for Voice Recognition (iTalk's default is touch tone. Pressing 8* allows you to speak commands rather than use your keyboard)
Press or Say:
- for account balance on savings, checking, loans, and credit cards.
- for account history on savings, checking, loans, and credit cards.
- for pending ACH transactions.
- to transfer funds or make a payment between accounts or to make a loan payment, then press or say:
- for the Transfer Funds menu, then press or say:
- to transfer funds within account
- to transfer funds to another account or member
- to schedule a funds transfer within account
- to schedule a transfer
- to hear a list of scheduled transfers
- to cancel a scheduled transfer
- to make a payment.
- for the Transfer Funds menu, then press or say:
- to withdraw by check from savings, checking, or from your line of credit.
- to stop payments, then press or say:
- to submit a Stop Payment – specific check
- to submit a Stop Payment – check range
- for Stop Payment history
- to request account information by email.
Important Note
Share IDs use 4 digits:
IE: 0001 – Savings
0002 – Checking
0141 – Loan
0168 – Credit Card
Handy Tools at Your Disposal.
Calculate your budget, see and compare the latest rates and discover what perks you gain for being a member of Education First Federal Credit Union.
Calculate the best loan amount that fits your budget.
Check current rates and find out which ones adhere to your loan type.
When you want a better place to hold your accounts and grow your money, Education First is at the head of the class.