Savings Calculators
Tap into the power of Education First FCU's Savings Calculators to effortlessly craft a personalized savings plan, whether you're aiming to fund your college education, working towards a specific goal, or expanding your investment opportunities.
Estimate the potential impact of increasing your savings rate on your financial future.
See the benefits of compounding and making informed decisions about how to allocate your resources in order to achieve your financial goals.
Plan for the future cost of a college education.
Estimate for the financial milestone of becoming a millionaire.
Calculate the potential trajectory of your savings and making informed decisions about how to allocate your resources
Plan and track your progress toward a specific financial goal: a down payment on a home or saving for retirement, etc.
Determine how much you should save in an emergency fund in order to be prepared for unexpected expenses.
Learn which CD is the most financially beneficial for you given your individual circumstances and financial goals.
Calculate the total return on a certificate of deposit (CD) at the end of its term.